Hi there… I am Nelia and I am passionate about equipping and empowering women to break free from the chains that hold them back.
I am an Industrial Psychologist (someone who specializes in the behavior of individuals in a work environment) and Life Coach with more than 18 years of experience. How humans act and interact fascinates me. My life has been filled with hills and valleys; my journey has not always been plain sailing. I had to learn perseverance, forgiveness, resilience and what having blind faith means. This allows me to coach from a place of authenticity, true understanding, and compassion.
It was through my personal experiences that I discovered toxic thinking patterns and harmful behavioral habits were things that I could take ownership of and that I could change. The adjustments were not always easy, but change is possible!
I realized that we can be freed to live confidently instead of measuring ourselves based on the opinions of others, our professional success, how we perceive ourselves, and all the other ways we women like to define our significance. It is never too late to change the trajectory of our lives.
My messy thinking patterns were transformed, my mind renewed: and He wants to do the same for you. Sometimes, we just need someone to guide us through these processes.
I believe in a holistic approach and therefore intertwine personality, experiences, interest, giftings, talents and brain preferences in my methodology. Once we live out of an identity based on how God sees us, we no longer feel the need to find our worth in external circumstances. This allows us to live the lives we were created to live.You are not too old, you have not messed up too bad, or are too stuck in your ways to be transformed. Take that first step today!
ICF-Certified Life Coach: Certified Life Coach Institute of Orange County
Certified Balance Life Coach: Balance4Coaches
Registered I/O Psychologist
Registered Psychometrist
Licensed Practitioner: Neethling Brain Indicator
Licensed Practitioner: Myers Briggs Type Indicator
Masters Degree: Industrial/ Organizational Psychology: University of South Africa 2008
Honors Degree: I/O Psychology: University of South Africa 2005 (In South Africa the bachelor honors degree is a postgraduate degree that follows on from the completion of a bachelor's degree, equivalent to a Bachelor Honors Degree)
Honors Degree: Marketing: University of Johannesburg 1996
B Com Degree: Communication: University of Johannesburg 1995
“The experiences I have affect the perceptions I form. The perceptions I form eventually become the beliefs I carry. The beliefs I carry determine what I see.”