Curiosity: a secret superpower

Curiosity: a secret superpower

Have you ever had a conversation where you were not given the opportunity to say a word? Where your opponent would simply talk non-stop, not once pausing, blinking, or showing any interest in allowing you to make a peep. I recently had such an incident at the gym. It made me feel awful and small, but it got me thinking.

We have lost the art of good communication. Effective communication requires mindfulness when talking with others, listening with respect, and conveying ideas efficiently. This leads to a deepening of our connection with other people. While most of us are familiar with the 7 C’s of communication: clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete and courteous, I would love to propose an additional C: Curiosity.  Not the type that killed the cat, but the impulse towards better cognition.

Color outside the lines! We were created to be creative...

Color outside the lines! We were created to be creative...

When we are being creative, our brains release dopamine, which is an anti-depressant. While this makes us ‘feel good’, engaging in creative activities can also boost self-esteem, reduce symptoms of anxiety, and increase feelings of happiness and contentment. Creativity is linked to several mental health benefits, and yet…

We learn to color inside the lines and unlearn to think outside the box. We tell kids to stop asking why why why? We over-expose and over-structure, to the point where there’s little time to reflect or to be alone with one’s thoughts. We fill our days to the point where there is no free time. 

Did you know that non-creative behavior is learned? It is not our natural inclination.

Temperaments: which of the 4 are you?

Temperaments: which of the 4 are you?

In my earlier coaching days, I met a teenager who, to his mother’s dismay, studied by making tiny notes on post-it’s and sticking them to the ceiling in his room.  When crunch time came, he would lie on the floor with binoculars and revise his work. 😊

I find it fascinating how we are all uniquely designed.  Have you noticed that children who grew up in the same household, with the same upbringing can be so different in how they approach life, make decisions and handle situations?  

Bearing burdens

Bearing burdens

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken every aspect of society. Concerns about mental health and substance use are at an all-time high. People stress and worry about contracting the virus, job losses, how long this pandemic will last, as well as the devastating loss of loved ones due to the universal crisis. Amid the fear, worry, and uncertainty, each day seems to bring more challenges than the day before.

We are all suffering. And though my story is not nearly as bad as some of yours, I experienced, quite possibly, the worst 2 months ever.